Aubergine halbieren und generös einsalzen. |
"...almost weeping." |
"And we're going to perfume that with a fresh clove of garlic." |
Schön ein paar #Hashtags reinballern. |
"And The Wind Cries Rosemary" würde Jimi Hendrix wohl sagen. |
Fresh & Fragrant |
Rosmarin-Hecke |
Minenfeld aus Thymian |
"Garnish and add a touch of that extra virgin." |
Mediterranes Knallbonbon. |
Optisch eine Seegurke nach 40 Minuten Garprozess bei 200° Grad - aber das Aroma! Jonger! |
"Now, it doesn't look that great but the smell is incredible. Scoop that out." |
"Right now, don't worry about the look, worry about where the flavour is. Get all the excess water out there." |
Add freshly chopped coriander and cooled pinenuts just before serving - tastes even better after 2-3 days in the fridge. |
© Shoutout an Food Porn Messias Gordon Ramsay,
mit dem Ihr das Ganze nochmals nachkochen könnt.
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